Libro destacado de Enero 2011: Programming the Mobile Web – UMAI – Escuela multimedia
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Libro destacado de Enero 2011: Programming the Mobile Web

Libro destacado de Enero 2011: Programming the Mobile Web

Sin duda la programacion sigue cambiando de manera permanente y hay nuevas opoturtunidades en el mercado. una de ellas tiene que ver con la programación para dispositivos moviles.

Este libro, Programming the Mobile Web,  le puede servir para aprender a crear aplicaciones basadas en HTML y CSS que sirvan para dispositivos especificos tales como el iPhone, Blackberry, aparatos que usen Android y otros.


  1. Chapter 1 The Mobile Jungle

    1. Myths of the Mobile Web

    2. The Mobile Ecosystem

    3. Mobile Knowledge

    4. Brands, Models, and Platforms

    5. Technical Information

    6. Market Statistics

  2. Chapter 2 Mobile Browsing

    1. The Mobile Browsing Experience

    2. Mobile Web Eras

  3. Chapter 3 Architecture and Design

    1. Website Architecture

    2. Design and Usability

  4. Chapter 4 Setting Up Your Environment

    1. Setting Up a Development Environment

    2. Production Environment

  5. Chapter 5 Markups and Standards

    1. First, the Old Ones

    2. Current Standards

    3. XHTML Mobile Profile and Basic

    4. CSS for Mobile

    5. Confusion

  6. Chapter 6 Coding Markup

    1. Heading Structure

    2. The Document Body

    3. Plug-ins and Extensions

  7. Chapter 7 CSS for Mobile Browsers

    1. Where to Insert the CSS

    2. Selectors

    3. CSS Techniques

    4. Common Patterns

    5. CSS Sprites

    6. WebKit Extensions

  8. Chapter 8 JavaScript Mobile

    1. Supported Technologies

    2. Coding JavaScript for Mobile Browsers

  9. Chapter 9 Ajax, RIA, and HTML 5

    1. Ajax Support

    2. JavaScript Libraries

    3. WebKit CSS Extensions

    4. Mobile Rich Internet Applications

    5. HTML 5

  10. Chapter 10 Server-Side Browser Detection and Content Delivery

    1. Mobile Detection

    2. Content Delivery

    3. Multimedia and Streaming

    4. Content Adaptation

    5. Mobilizing WordPress and Other CMSs

  11. Chapter 11 Geolocation and Maps

    1. Location Techniques

    2. Detecting the Location

    3. Showing a Map

  12. Chapter 12 Widgets and Offline Webapps

    1. Mobile Widget Platforms

    2. Standards

    3. Platforms

    4. Widget Design Patterns

  13. Chapter 13 Testing, Debugging, and Performance

    1. Testing and Debugging

    2. Performance Optimization

  14. Chapter 14 Distribution and Social Web 2.0

    1. Mobile SEO

    2. Mobile Web Statistics

    3. Mobile Web Advertising

    4. Mobile Web Social Features

  1. Appendix MIME Types for Mobile Content

    1. Markup and Script MIME Types

    2. Image MIME Types

    3. Mobile Content MIME Types

    4. Audio and Video MIME Types

    5. Widget and Webapp MIME Types

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